Popular show host and broadcaster, Frank Edoho, has been announced as the host of the television game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The announcement was made at an event at the Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos, to tell journalists and members of the public about the return of the popular show which went off the air in 2017. The ultimate prize to be won on the show is now N20m, and it would be broadcast for 52 weeks Tagged ‘The Rebirth’, another addition to the show will see contestants able to use a ‘lifeline’ of ‘asking the host’ whenever they get stuck. Other lifelines on the show are ’50-50’, ‘Call a Friend’, and ‘Ask the Audience’. Frank Edoho had hosted the show from its inception on October, 8, 2004, until September 2, 2017. The Managing Director of UP, Agada Apochi, stated that the show would create lasting memories for viewers. He said, “We are sponsoring the show to entertain, educate and excite Nigerians. The return of WWTBAM is coming with a bang that...